22 681 pregnancies achieved over 21 years
Sona Nshanyan

Clinical interests

  • Knows all modern methodes of diagnostics and treatment of gynecology and obstetrics pathology as well as all ART methods
  • Treatment of patients with combined genesis infertility
  • Fertility recovery at a late reproductive age
  • Pregravid preparation of patients with a history of failed IVF attempts
  • Selection of minimum stimulation regimens and management of patients with reduced ovarian reserves
  • Conducting complex, integrated programs, including using oocyte donation and surrogacy
  • ART programs for women with extragenital pathology, selection of special stimulation regimens.


  • Graduated from the Moscow Medical Academy of I. M. Sechenov, specialty – general medicine
  • Residency at the Department of obstetrics and gynecology of the Moscow Medical Academy of I. M. Sechenov
  • Postgraduate education
  • Completed postgraduate studies at the Department of obstetrics and gynecology of the Moscow Medical Academy of I. M. Sechenov
  • 2003 – defended a thesis for the candidate degree on “Diagnostics and treatment of structural and functional disorders of the endometrium in infertile women”
  • Additional courses of certification at leading scientific centers: Scientific Center of Obsterics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after V.Kulakov; Department of postgraduate studies of the Moscow Medical Academy of I. M. Sechenov; Department of postgraduate studies of Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.Evdokimov; Scientific research Center of Obsterics and Gynecology named after D.Ott; People Friendship University of Russia.


  • Member of the Russian Association of Human Reproduction and European Society of Human Reproduction and Reproductology
  • PhD in medical sciences
  • Assistant professor at the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine at the People's Friendship University of Russia)
  • Author and co-author of scientific publications on reproduction published in leading Russian and foreign editions
  • General work experience – 18 years, 13 of them in reproduction medicine
  • Active participation in numerous international and regional forums and conferences on reproductive medicine
  • Conducts training courses for obstetricians and gynecologists.


Nina Sheina

Nina Sheina

  • Facharzt für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe

Sergey Yakovenko

Sergey Yakovenko

  • Leiter der Embryologie, pHD

Elena Andamova

Elena Andamova

  • Fachärztin für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe, PhD

Anton Bolt

Anton Bolt

  • Leitender Embryologe
Yaroslav Lugovtsov

Yaroslav Lugovtsov

  • Ultraschalldiagnostiker, MD

Irina Yermilova

Irina Yermilova

  • Leitende Embryologin, PhD
Zarema Barakhoeva

Zarema Barakhoeva

  • Reproduktionsendokrinologin, Gynäkologin, MD, PHD

Konstantin Kirienko

Konstantin Kirienko

  • Leitender Embryologe, PhD
Liudmila Yelicheva

Liudmila Yelicheva

  • Frauenärztin und Geburtshelferin, Phd

Yuliya Maklygina

Yuliya Maklygina

  • Genetik

Die Klinik Altravita ist führend auf dem Gebiet der Reproduktionsmedizin, der Behandlung der weiblichen und männlichen Unfruchtbarkeit, sowie der zytogenetischen und molekular-genetischen Untersuchungen.



AltraVita IVF